Friday, October 1, 2010

Just another day in Bulgaria. . .

So, after having this blog for awhile now, I've decided to take off some restrictions. Since inception, I've had it set-up so that search engines couldn't find it. Basically, the only way to know about it was if someone told you about it specifically. I'm loosening the reigns a little for now. Though I go back and forth on this. We will see. . .

Yes, I have some breaks between postings. Day-to-day life seems rather mundane when put down in writing. I figure who wants to read about our mundane happenings. But, for a few of you who are interested in what our day-to-day life is like, here we go. . .

Co-curriculars have been assigned. This is our first experience with co-curriculars and we are very excited. They are essentially after school extra-curricular activities, but required for all. And, thank goodness, T was able to get into Karate. He wanted it so much and I was so afraid every other kid would want it too. His other co-curriculars are "Fun with Dough" and "Fun with Music." He's very happy with all of his choices. I wish they had "Fun with Dough" for K at school. I have to say "Fun with Dough" is almost as bad as "Fun with Moonsand" when I'm the one who has to clean it up. Always nice if the boys get their desire to play with such things fulfilled at school.

So, yes, I now do have someone coming to the house 3 mornings/week to help out. With two dogs, two active boys and their friends, I need all the help I can get. The house looks so wonderful when Tamara is done. But, within an hour of the boys both being home, it's a friggin pigpen again. At least it's a disinfected pigpen. I have to figure out how to get my three year old to take out only one toy at-a-time and put toys away!!!! What a messy monkey. BTW, if anyone knows of a garbage can that can stay accessible to little kids, but not to garbage-hound dogs, we would love to hear about it.

Now for K, that messy three year old, I’ve decided to reduce his days/week for nursery to only 2 mornings/week, instead of 3. Also, we are switching his days so he can be part of their once/week music program. And, I will take him to another activity center for a more structured program once/week. I think he and I will be much happier with this arrangement.

Now, that I've finally figured out K's schedule, I can finally sign-up for language lessons. And, boy do I need them!!!! I'm tired of guessing about exactly what it is I am buying, ordering, reading - it's not always easy to tell. And, it would probably be good to read exactly what the road signs are telling me!!!! Something like "bridge out" might be good to know!

So, now that S has a Blackberry for work, we get to see him so much more. He usually comes home at a decent hour, in time for dinner with us. But, it also means he is on the damn Blackberry day and night. With the Department being seven hours behind us, he's getting messages all the time. Still, glad to have him home more! And, at least, when he is waiting the two hours for T to finish with hockey practice, he can do some work.

S has two work trips coming up. The first trip is to Prague. The other trip is to Budapest. Oh, how I wish we could go. But, I just cannot take T out of school so soon, so often. At the end of October, T has a week break from school. Damn the government for not coordinating their end-of-fiscal-year "better spend the money NOW" conferences with T's school schedule.

And, that's the mundane day-to-day scoop from Bulgaria.

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